Woodworth Farm

Location: Town of Sterling, Cayuga County

Size: 202.2 acres

Description: Woodworth Farm has been in operation since 1851. Bob Woodworth took over the operation from his uncle 50 years ago and is now passing it on to his grandsons, the 7th generation of this farm family.

The farm has changed over the years. In 1851 the farm raised Poland Chinas hogs and had orchards. When Bob and Rita Woodworth first took over the farm operation, it was mostly dairy cattle. The farm transitioned to growing beef, and now is predominantly a grain operation.

In addition to the farm operation, the property also encompasses several large wooded areas and a critical ½ mile of Lake Ontario shoreline.

Some of the property’s wooded areas are remnants of the former apple orchards. The woods located along Nine Mile Creek buffer the creek from the agricultural operation, prevent erosion, and provide great wildlife habitat, fishing, and recreation. The family views these woods as an asset to the farm, and is exploring various agroforestry opportunities.

Bob and Rita’s grandsons Austin and Jacob plan to take over the farm and adapt to more regenerative practices. In 2024 they planted an orchard of chestnut trees, and in 2025 they plan to start inoculating dying beech trees with shitake and lion’s mane mushrooms.

As Bob and Rita contemplate the future of the farm, they are focused on ensuring the farm is able to stay in the family. By selling the development rights, Bob and Rita plan to set up a fund that will remove the pressure of ever-increasing property taxes on the viability of the farm.
